Sticker Poetry
Happy Poetry Friday everyone! Today, we're hosted by Mary Lee Hahn. Thanks Mary Lee!
The secret is likely out by now... I love stickers. I'm always looking for fun things to do with stickers (and excuses to buy them). Recently, I've been getting some stickers from various subscriptions that are just mind-blowingly fun, beautiful... and inspiring! In fact, I love some of them so much that I've started using stickers as poetry prompts. It's hard to take anything too seriously when stickers are involved, so it's been a nice way to help me just let loose and be silly.
Here is a sticker-prompt poem I created as a light-hearted stocking stuffer for my partner, shared here for your giggles. A photo of the sticker is first, and the poem it inspired second. Have you got stickers wasting away in a bin or drawer, begging to be used? Or, might this be a fun thing for your students? Give it a try!
I’m top of the class—
my carrot came first!
I’m so excited
I think I could burst!
My teacher was wowed,
the judges impressed.
I grew it myself!
My carrot’s the best!
Now that the contest
is finally done…
please make me a cake—
a carroty one!
~ Sarah Grace Tuttle
In other writing news, in the past Poetry Friday folks have been interested in how my poetic style and flash fiction work intersect. Well, now you can see more of that in action! My flash fiction story (for adults) "Knowing Forever" was published by New Myths. They were kind enough to make a lovely meme of the first sentence, which I appreciate so much.
We've been having some trouble with Facebook deleting links to the story, so I'm sharing however I can to help get the word out and eyes on the story. I have to admit... I'm so proud of this one. (It's a climate change fantasy flash fic, trigger warning dementia, only a few hundred words long.) You can read the whole thing here.
Happy New Year everyone! Here's to hope, joy, and progress to come.