Poetry Friday - A Winner and a Poem with Drafts
Happy Poetry Friday everyone! Today we are hosted by the marvelous Linda over at TeacherDance. Thanks for hosting Linda!
Congrats to Linda Baie, who won the drawing for a copy of My Paati's Saris! Linda, I'll contact you later soon through the contact info on your website to get shipping info. :)
Today, I've written a little haiku/senryu type poem for the season. I thought I would share with you all what it looks like when I draft one of these poems-- especially since today this draft managed to all stay on one page! Here's a peek at my messy progress... and the final result. Enjoy!

Final version:
rain mists pear blossoms--
she tugs me with wild hope
towards muddy shoes
by Sarah Grace Tuttle
Thanks for visiting! Wishing you a wonderful weekend full of May flowers!