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New Poem Draft- "Steam"

Happy Poetry Friday everyone! Today we're hosted by Carol over at The Apples in My Orchard. Thanks Carol!

I'm hopping into the blogosphere today to share a working draft of a poem. There are still a few things I'm mulling through on this one, but for some reason this felt like a poem draft that belongs to/in community, rather than the vault of my laptop. So, I'm sharing now. Wishing you all a restorative, healing day!



When I turn on the electric kettle

I stoke the hearth of our home.

Echoes of firelight

dance across the kitchen walls.

I hold my hand to the glass,

revel in the warmth.


Knowing the years ahead

loom heavy with bluster and ice

I have stocked my cupboard

full of dried herbs, fruits, spices--

all the things I can

steep in hot water,

cup my hands around

with steam rising, rising…

reminding me


I too, am water.

I too, can be moved by heat—

boil and seethe and

my molecules, too, can speed upSoFastThatI

transform, transcend,

float up, up, up…

to where all I am

and all I do

is healing.

-Sarah Grace Tuttle

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